You know how all little children get asked, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Well, I've always felt my answer was in adequate because my dream wasn't about "who" or "what" I wanted to be when I grew up but what I wanted to accomplish. My dreams are bigger than my capabilities. However, no dream is bigger than God's capability. Especially if it is a God dream.
My dad and a local ministry in my home town REALLY impacted my life as a child. "Mother Tucker Ministries" Then I got involved with a church that's mission was to feed the hungry and minister to the hurting. Bethel Worship Center. Some of the best times of my life were the missions work we would do. Going to John 3:16 and ministering to and feeding the homeless. Going to Mardi Gras in New Orleans and minister to the seeking and the hurting and the homeless. My trip to Ukraine with Brother French's team also impacted me. I got to see how spoiled and complacent most Americans are. We complain about what we don't have instead of being grateful for what we do have. On that mission, we ministered mostly to orphanages and schools. One of our last visits there was a nursing home. But even more than that, what impacted me most were how grateful the people were for what they did have! We would pass by little shacks that housed families....sometimes families as large as 5 or more. It truly looked like they were living in a little garden shed. They would be outside in the freezing cold cooking their food in old metal garbage cans. The children were laughing and happy and playing...running around smiling. I stopped and looked. To us, they had nothing. To them, though it may not be much, they did have shelter....and they did have food. Maybe not in what we would consider an ideal living condition but none the less, they had that and most importantly, they had each other. Ukraine is supposed to be "free" now of the government rule but they are still very much ruled and oppressed by them. Yet there, I never saw as much unhappiness and sadness as I do here.
So what is my dream you ask? Well my answer would be which one?? I dream of running a soup kitchen and my kids getting the hands on experience of helping and ministering to others. I dream of running an "orphanage" for kids looking for a loving home only to be thrown into a failing system. I have a dream that all Americans would be able to go on a missions project to a 3rd world country if for no other reason, than to teach them thankfulness, gratitude, giving, helping. I dream of having a shelter for battered women and children. I dream of having a safe house for those who have escaped the abuse of predators. I dream of a HUGE home that can encompass all of this and be opened 24-7 for counseling and support to those who need it. I dream of having a camp where kids who are told they are worthless and good for nothing can come and escape all that negativity for at least a week, maybe even a summer.....I guess, I'd have to say, I dream of heaven!
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