Since the day she was born, Stevi and I have been best friends. Our moms are best friends so we were raised together. It's an amazing blessing to have a friend like that and I sometimes am sad when each school year, my daughters best friend changes. From what I gather of other children that is normal but I always wanted her to have a friend like had and still have. Someone that goes through everything together. Even those times you aren't there for each you, are still hurt when they hurt and rejoice when they rejoice. Most people don't understand our relationship unless they've had a best friend since birth as well. To me, she is so much more than a friend. She is my sister! My biological sisters were quite a bit older than me so we weren't always close during my younger years but Stevi and I, we were like pea's and carrot's! :) As close as we were, we still as different as night and day. As was the out spoken and social butterfly. She was quiet and humble and didn't always like being around a lot of people. I LOVED sports and church camps and overnight youth outings. She preferred to be at home. Our family dynamic was different. But that didn't matter. We always have been and always will be best friends. We would stay up late at night planning our future. We were going to grow up, meet our prince charmings, get married and we'd all move to Texas and live on a ranch! One of us would have the upstairs with our family and one would have the downstairs. Sometimes I wish we would have written down our plans so we could look back on them now and read them and laugh. We were young, dreamers, and the world was our oyster! I never could stand going to Southerland Lumber or Home Depot, or Lowes. Unless Stevi was with me. Why did that make a difference? I'll tell you why. In your young minds and imaginations, every isle we went down was a new opportunity to "plan" our dream home. We loved the idea of claw foot tubs and pull chain toilets. We'd pick out whimsical light fixtures and choose our wall colors. It was different when we were together because then, we were shopping for US! Not our everyday in real life homes because a pipe busted. We were the same way at the grocery story. There were times we'd be at the grocery store with our moms and the whole way through the story we were so excited and had great anticipation of going down the baby isle. Yes you heard right. The isle full of diapers, wipes, onesies, pacifiers, bottles, etc. We had no interest in the toy isle. JUST the baby isle because we could shop for our "babies". (Our dolls of course!). Our babies had real diapers. They had real bottles and real pacies. Our babies had real baby brushes. This wasn't because we were spoiled. But we had huge imaginations and in all honestly, back then, it was cheaper to buy the real deals than the toy ones. We both came from low income families so that was always a factor.
As we got older, there was a time we grew apart. Not because we didn't still care and love each other but life just happened. I was spending all my time in sports and worrying about a sick daddy and she had life of her own going on. There were a couple of tragic events that took place in our lives...important people lost and we both had our dating lives. We would catch up on the phone occasionally (I still remember her childhood number!) :) When the time comes for us to marry, that's when life started pulling us back together and now, it feels like we were never apart. You know you have a life long friend when years can go by and when you are together again, you can pick up where you left off.
I thank God for crossing our moms paths all those years ago! Everyone should be so blessed as to have a friend that isn't only a friend...but a sister.
(In telling my life story, I had to stop and write about our friendship because it's always been an important party of my life!) <3
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